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Greek Cooking

The Greek Cuisine holds a significant place in the global culinary scene, with its diversity and quality of raw materials, the flavourful combinations and the millennia-old cooking traditions. It is based on a couple of simple principles, such as the use of fresh materials, locally produced herbs and greens, and the world-renowned Greek olive oil.

Fun Fact
Archestratos wrote the first cookbook in history (330 B.C.).

Our recipes


Discover Greek Flavours

Greek cooking has been shaped to a large extent by the country’s geography, the diverse character of the island and continental regions, which define the culinary identity of each area. Take a trip with us in the land of flavours and aromas, where unexpected combinations and the richness of raw materials make the difference.

The Greek tradition loves equally a simple dish of fruit & cheese and a complex culinary creation. There’s a social dimension that has shaped the eating habits of the Greeks; the tastebuds satisfaction is combined with entertainment and socialising and bears the faint echo of the ancient Greek Symposia. The hour of day when the Greeks gather around the table to enjoy their meal or just a variety of titbits (called mezedes) accompanied by ouzo or a glass of local wine is a special time of enjoyment and relaxation that everyone looks forward to. The Greek word Symposio is as ancient as the Greek people and means “to drink in the company of others”.

Tips for your Trips


Museum cafés in Athens

Beautiful atriums and courtyards, balconies and lush gardens, properly adjusted to give you a rest before or after your visit to the museums of the Greek capital.

The Wine routes of Greece

The tradition of wine-making is a long and rich one in Greece, as is the case with all Mediterranean countries.

Picnic in Athens

Even in a big city such as Athens you will find beautiful green corners where you can lay a tablecloth or blanket for an unofficial and very pleasant meal.