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Color in the Greek Islands

The Greek islands reveal their history, their myths and traditions, through a unique series of visual interventions with public murals (graffiti) and local events. In recent years, several actions have been taken within several Greek islands, especially in remote areas, mostly aiming at providing medical care to the residents, providing learning material such as computers to schools and to municipalities, covering heating needs, implementing environmental programs and more. Urbanact – whose aim is to promote the art and the techniques of alternative form of cultures such as public mural art, graffiti, street art, bicycling etc -  has been getting requests from organizations, clubs, associations, foundations, municipalities, individuals, schools, etc. for years for the restoration of their spaces with murals and street art events. Several of these invitations come from remote areas, usually around Greece’s borders. The most recent request war the one from the Municipality of Agios Efstratios in the North Aegean Sea. On the occasion of these "invitations" Urbanact proceeds to the implementation of a unique integrated pilot project "Color in the Greek Islands" with the support and exclusive donation of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. The program has taken a different approach than usual as it promotes the local traditions, the myths and the history of each place through the creation of murals on public buildings. The theme is agreed upon with the local community and municipality and locals participate in its making. The mural’s details are carefully designed to remind visitors of the place’s history, while the residents can feel proud to look into their memories and go on with hope into the future. With these actions, we support local tradition and history and highlight it with street art, a contemporary innovative art form that also has its roots in tradition.We trot out the importance of wall paintings, murals, colors and the decisive role they had in the souls of the inhabitants. In the frames of the project,  the artists Kez, Pupet and Same84, will perform a series of public murals and events for a month at the following places: 28 June – 6 July, Agios Efstratios, Harbour Pier 9 July-19 July, Fournoi, concrete point in country 19 July-24 July, Lipsi, port, school and city point July 25 – July 31, Leros, Harbour Pier Panteli We invite everyone to experience these events and participate in moments of joy and offering. By: