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“Athinorama bar awards - Shaker Trophy”: a new institution is born in the city

In the big metropolises of the world, the modern face of cocktailing is living its golden age and connoisseurs treat bartenders as the new chefs. Rightfully so, one may say, if we consider that the art of bartending incorporates important characteristics of the culinary art, such as the combination of materials, proper technique and presentation. In Athens, many bars create a concept and initiate you into this philosophy with inspired cocktails; in others, you try unexpected mixed drinks made from Greek ingredients, and advanced creativity reaches as far as aged cocktails, complex garnish, homemade bubbly drinks and molecular techniques. Athinorama, having the experience of the Toques D’Or awards, which is combined with active and constant monitoring of bars and alcohol, establishes the “Athinorama Bar Awards - Shaker Trophy”, an institution that aims at making the best bars in Athens known. The visits have already begun and the experienced tasting team of “A” chooses, tries and evaluates, following strict standards and procedures. Until early next year, when the winners will be announced, you can stay tuned by watching the institution’s official site - - that will soon be operational.