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Monument of a Russian poet on the Parnassus slopes in Delphi

"The monument of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was installed on the Parnassus slopes in Delphi, a holy place as the poet would often writte in his poems.

  Its opening took place on June 6 at the theater of Delphi Palace, 215 years from the poets birth and also a day where the Russian language is celebrated. "This act is the first step for the creation of a memorial park of great literary figures of the world in Delphi" highlited Mr Panos Kaltsis from the NGO Ecumnenical Delphi Council at the beginning of the ceremony.

The installation of the momument was an act of the Encumenical Delphi Council and the Institution of Russian speaking writers.

John Kaltsis, Event Manager HNIOXOS KALTSIS S.A